Useful Links
Interested in astronomy and want to know where to find out more? As well as our own website there's a bunch of other places to dig into all things space - here's a selection of the best!
Astronomy Picture of the Day - Like our own #ShowtheNSO Gallery, but updated daily with images from telescopes around the world, and in space! | |
European Space Agency - space exploration and astronomy research news from around Europe. Find out the latest missions or watch the calls for the next European astronaut selection! | |
Faulkes Telescope Project - advanced access to robotic telescopes in Hawaii and Australia. Take over the telescope and book your 30 minute slot! | |
Go Stargazing - Lots of useful suggestions and advice for making the most of dark skies across the UK. | |
Heroes of Space and Flight - Geographic and space exploration is something not achievable overnight. It’s the product of generational effort done throughout years of trying and trying. According to history, these Heroes of Space and Flight persevered and provided a way to know more of what you observe in the sky. Learn about them in this fun game of solitaire. | |
Institute of Physics - the professional body for physicists working in the UK this website has lots of information about physics careers amongst other things! | |
Liverpool Telescope - plenty of advanced information about the telescope we use. Why not check out the latest discoveries and scientific papers which have used the telescope alongside you! | |
Local Astronomy Societies - Why not join a local astronomical society and find out about the latest space research. Groups often have observing nights where you can use other peoples telescopes if you don't have one of your own. | |
NASA - information on space exploration and astronomical discoveries from the largest space agency in the world. Keep up to date with the latest space missions. | |
Royal Astronomical Society - professional body for astronomers in the United Kingdom and around the world. Why not have a look at the events coming up? | |
Royal Observatory Greenwich - wonderful astronomy resources in the heart of London. Why not see the telescope, or the international date line which dictate Universal Time around the world! | |
Sky and Telescope - Learn more about the Universe and get started observing with the magazine Sky and Telescope. | |
Sky at Night - Learn more about the Universe and get started observing with the Sky at Night magazine, and the BBC show. | |
Society for Popular Astronomy - If you're under 14, why not become a Young Stargazer and find out how to start observing the night sky from your home! | |
Space and Science Centres (UK) - Eager to get hands on and based in the UK? Why not visit a local science or space centre? There are lots throughout the UK - you can find your nearest through this site. | |
Space and Science Centres (Ireland) - Eager to get hands on and based in Ireland? Why not visit a local science or space centre? There are lots throughout Ireland - you can find your nearest through this site. | |
Space FM - Information and short activities based on the Universe - particularly useful for observing and Solar System objects. | |
Stellarium - If you're planning to go outside and look at the stars, there's no better tool for finding out what you can see, or planning your observations than the free software Stellarium. | |
UK Space Agency - Why not look at what the UK's own space agency are up to? | |
Zooniverse - Want to take part in real scientific research? Why not explore some of the projects on the Zooniverse - from penguin populations in Antarctica to black holes in distant galaxies. |