User Groups

It is incredibly important that we hears from our users. We value your voice. This is what ensures we are responsive to the wants and needs of educators across the UK and Ireland.

That is why in 2021 we created The Schools' Observatory Champions user group.


Schools' Observatory Champion LogoThe Champions meet 4 times a year to guide the direction and development of The Schools' Observatory.

Our current Champions

Future membership

Membership of the Champions is currently closed.

If you are interested in becoming a Champion in the future, please have a look through the current Champions agreement and email

We want this group to be as representative as possible of the voice of educators throughout the UK and Ireland. Therefore, we have set the following targets:

  • There must be representation from primary, secondary, and further education levels.
  • There must be representation from at least 3 (ideally all 5) of the nations covered by The Schools' Observatory: England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
  • There must be a maximum of one teacher from a fee-paying school.
  • We would like representation from at least 2 teachers from the Liverpool City Region, in line with our commitment to Liverpool John Moores University and our civic duty.