About The Schools' Observatory
In the early 2000s, Liverpool John Moores University had an idea. What if we were to build the world’s largest completely robotic telescope? Equipment which could respond so fast that we could see the first few minutes of a supernova explosion. Versatile enough to track a comet passing by the Earth. Innovative enough to carry out pioneering science and astronomy. And what if we also made it accessible to schools? For free.
The Schools’ Observatory was born, opening a new window to the Universe – inspiring students to do science and experience technology.
From the seed of an idea, we have brought astronomy into the classroom – supporting schools to take hundreds of thousands of observations of the cosmos. Engaging millions of people with space education over the last 15+ years.
It provides an opportunity not readily available elsewhere; to take and manipulate unique images that can be subsequently used to better understand the universe.”
- External evaluation, Hope-Stone Research (2018)
We support students on their STEM journey – however far that might be. From the earliest stages we provide resources for preschool families to think about space. We offer advice for those who want to pursue a career in STEM. And along the way we inform, educate, and inspire.
Space is truly Universal. Away from our diverse experiences on this Earth, we all share the same planet. We all look out to the same galaxy and wonder the same big questions – where did it all begin? Are we alone? What will become of our planet? Space is truly wonderful. And in wondering about space, we can all learn. Science, maths, engineering, technology, programming, questioning and creativity. Skills which can set us up for life.
“For a young person getting into astronomy, The Schools’ Observatory was like an open door. It didn’t hold us back, made us feel like we were smart enough.”
- Secondary student, UK
We are here for the journey. Providing a wealth of accurate information, quality things to do and support. Come and join us!