Understanding our Universe
The universe has always amazed people. Over time, our understanding of stars and galaxies has changed a lot.

Understanding the Solar System
After the invention of the telescope, everything changed for astronomers. They were now able to see many more objects in the night sky. These faint objects were either small, or far away, or both!

Light and Telescopes
One of the first people to study light was Ibn al-Haytham (known as Alhazen). He was a Muslim, living in Egypt in the early 11th Century. Alhazen is first person we know of who used the scientific method. He wanted to know why our eyes could see things.

Sophia Brahe
Astronomer, Writer
Year born
Research Areas
Astronomy, Genealogy

Ancient Astronomy
Our ideas about the Solar System and space have changed over time. People have looked to the skies for thousands of years. They have looked at the movement of the stars and the changes of the Sun and Moon.

Timeline of Astronomy
Did you know that our understanding of science and space had gradually been built over thousands of years? Discover the people from the past whose observations and experiments helped us understand our Solar System and
Astronomical Influencers Quiz
Test your astronomy knowledge while learning about the who's who of ancient to present day astronomy!