A galaxy is a large collection of stars, dust and gas. They are surrounded by dark matter, and are held together by gravity.

Edwin Hubble
Astronomer, Cosmologist
Year born
Research Areas
Galaxies, Extra-galactic astronomy, Observational cosmology

Ricardo Schiavon
Early Life
Ricardo was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His first degree in astronomy is from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Then in 1993, he got a master's degree from the Observatório Nacional in Brazil. Ricardo moved to the University of São Paulo, Brazil to work on a PhD. He was awarded his PhD in 1998.
Research Areas: Galaxy formation, Observational astronomy
"I consider myself extremely lucky to be where I am, do what I do, and to be surrounded by so many amazing people here in Liverpool."
JWST Wordsearch
Search for words related to the James Web Space Telescope.
Cosmic Yoga
Connecting with the natural world through topics like space and astronomy may help improve your mental health and wellbeing.
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Galaxies Quiz
What do you know about classifying galaxies? Challenge yourself with this quiz.
Space Quiz
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