An exoplanet is a planet which orbits a star that is not our Sun. The name exoplanet comes from 'extra-solar planet'.

Claudius Ptolemy
Mathematician, Astronomer, Geographer
Year born
100 AD
Research Areas
Movements of planets and stars, Cartography

Astronomer, Mathematician, Philosopher
Year born
Sometime between 350 – 370 AD
Research interests
Geometry, Algebra

Nicolaus Copernicus
Astronomer, Mathematician, Clergyman
Year born
Research Areas
Planets, Mechanics

Sheila Kanani
Early Life
Sheila was born in London. Her parents were scientists, but they did not study physics. Sheila was first interested in physics because she wanted to be an astronaut! She graduated in physics with astrophysics at the University of Manchester in 2006. In 2012 she received a doctorate (PhD) in planetary physics from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory. Her research focussed on analysing the magnetic fields of Saturn using data from the Cassini spacecraft
Year born: 1983
Research Areas: Saturn, Planetary Science, Education, Cassini mission
Life on Earth
How are living things connected? What do they need to survive? Can we find clues in the Solar System that help us find out why there is life on Earth?
Make a Play-doh Solar System
You may know that Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System, but do you know how much larger than the Earth it is?
Find out by creating a scale model of each planet in our Solar System!